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Case Studies

The following case studies are just a few examples of recent projects. They reflect the range of services we can offer and showcase our ability to work with a variety of clients and provide an excellent service. 

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Half Moon Stud, Motcombe

Arboricultural Impact Assessment & Tree Protection Plan

We carried out a tree survey and produced the necessary documents for a planning application for the conversion of three buildings to provide five new dwellings. This application was granted planning permission soon after.

Milborne Port Parish Council

Tree Risk Assessment

We surveyed all the trees managed by Milborne Parish Council and produced a list of recommended works in priority of their risk of harm. 

Arboricultural Method Statement

Cerne Abbas Surgery

Arboricultural Method Statement & Tree Protection Plan

A new timber framed building was to be constructed close to a mature oak tree. We worked with the architect to produce a design that allowed the building to be constructed using screw pile foundations to minimise root damage. The final design actually resulted in greater permeable rooting space for the tree! This application was granted planning permission soon after.

BV Dairy, Shaftesbury

Arboricultural Method Statement & Site Supervision

A new layout to the entrance was proposed at this site and a pavement would be required close to trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). We were able to produce a construction method for the pavement that was permeable for the tree roots beneath. Following the approval of the plans, we oversaw the installation of the new pavement to make sure that no underlying roots were damaged.

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